The logo for all saints episcopal church has a cross on it

Dear All Saints parishioners,


As was reported at last month’s Ministry & Money Forum, in January the vestry passed a 2025 budget that anticipated an operating deficit of approximately $100,000. That budget did not provide cost-of-living-adjustments or bonuses for the clergy or staff, made an empty full-time position part-time, cut outreach grants, among other difficult financial decisions. The vestry determined that continuing to operate in a deficit was unsustainable, and committed to be transparent about the outcome of this campaign and the state of the parish finances.

We are excited to report that, thanks to your generosity, the Close the Gap campaign raised at least $150,000 in additional pledges and donations. The total amount will likely continue to increase slightly as we continue to receive additional contributions.

In addition to many existing pledgers increasing their financial contribution, 16 families submitted a pledge for the first time. In total, 215 families made a 2025 pledge, which is 17 more than 2024. As was requested at that meeting, below you will find a breakdown of those pledging levels.

Throughout the last several weeks, we have heard from many parishioners. We have been profoundly affected by your love, generosity, and steadfast devotion to our parish. More than just the dollars raised, God’s grace at work through you has truly touched our hearts. Your questions, feedback, ideas, and words of encouragement have been immensely valuable. We feel a renewed spirit of determination and energy in our parish community.

Moving ahead, you will be seeing regular communication about the financial state of the parish. In addition, you will be hearing from the Stewardship Team about an ongoing, year-round approach to stewardship that relies on a broad, sustainable funding model. To that end, if you have not yet submitted your pledge to All Saints, you can do so HERE.

Throughout these challenging circumstances, it has been inspiring to see the vestry unified and working on a common goal. We want to express our gratitude for how you show up, the sacrificial giving you offer, and the community God continues to nurture here. “Work Together, Expect Miracles” has become much more than a stewardship theme, it is being realized in our midst.


Grace & peace,


The Rev. Brad Landry 


Martha Bains

Senior Warden

Alexa McElroy

Junior Warden


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