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Worship times 8:30am, 11:00am (+Live Stream), 5:30pm
Join us in serving our community on Sundays and every day. Worship ministries aim to bring glory to God by guiding our community in worship. But worship doesn't stop in the church. It extends into our daily lives. The opportunities offered help us serve others with love and compassion every day.
This ministry offers music for the 5:30pm service. Anyone is welcome to serve one Sunday a month either by leading singing or playing an instrument. Come to church one hour prior to the service to practice the music for that evening's service. Instrumentalists and song leaders provide music. For more information contact Randolph Horn,
This ministry is composed of children and youth who serve as torch bearers/ crucifers, and adults who serve as Acolyte Masters. Gospellers and torch bearers are in grades 4th-8th and serve approximately once a month. Crucifers are in grades 8th-12th and also are scheduled to serve once a month. Connect with Erin Donohoo or Kathleen Pridgen
The Adult Choir sings to support our traditional liturgy for the 11:00am Service of Holy Eucharist Rite II September through June. New members are welcome any time of the year. Whether you are new to All Saints or have been here for 20 years, adults of all musical skill levels and experience are invited to explore singing in the choir to see if this is a ministry to which you feel called. For more information
visit HERE.
This ministry prepares the altar for worship at the Eucharist, weddings, funerals, and cleans up after each service. Members of the Altar Guild serve on teams, with each team responsible for one Sunday per month. Each team comes to the church on Saturday morning for an hour to prepare the church for Sunday services. Additional commitment may be requested for Easter and Christmas services. Connect with Martha Bains,
This ministry facilitates the baptism of children and adults. Some people are involved in the physical making of the baptismal banners, while others serve as hosts on the day of the baptism. We always need people to help with baptisms. Connect with Janet Givhan
Here at All Saints, we have a thriving music program for children and youth of all ages. If you are interested in making music with your infant, we have a place for you in our Fiddlesticks Music Together® program. If you have a child or teenager interested in singing in a choir, we have a place for you in our Royal School of Church Music affiliate choral program. We offer music from birth to high school seniors. We believe that music is important in our individual lives, our community, and in our worship. To learn more
visit HERE.
Members of the Flower Guild are responsible for arranging the Sunday altar flowers. Designers work individually or as a team approximately every six weeks. New designers are always welcome, and no experience is necessary! Connect with Harriet Alley,
Discover the opportunity to greet both familiar faces and newcomers every Sunday at All Saints by being a part of our welcoming team! If you are interested in serving as a greeter for the 8:30am or 11:00am service, please contact Alexa McElroy,
A Lay Eucharistic Minister (LEM) is a lay person who is trained by clergy and licensed by the bishop to administer the chalice during Holy Communion. How to get involved:
Serve as a LEM once a month or fifth Sunday service
Serve at funerals or weddings as needed.
Connect with Jay Murrill,
No experience necessary! This ministry offers an opportunity to live stream the 11:00am service. If interested, you will be given your choice of which Sunday you want to help with. We'll train anyone interested on everything you will need to know. It is very easy. Connect with Brian Wallace,
A lector is a lay person who is appointed to read the lessons that precede the Gospel, to lead the reading of the psalm, and to lead the Prayers of the People. The role of the lector is among the oldest of the liturgical lay ministries. You can serve at one Sunday service per month, or as an alternate. Connect with Jay Murrill,
Ushers greet arriving parishioners and hand out service bulletins, assist in the collection of the offering, and present the elements of bread and wine, count the members present and to straighten up after each service, and serve at funerals. All parishioners are welcome to serve as ushers at one of the four Sunday services.
Connect with Janet Guest, or David Guest,
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