The logo for all saints episcopal church has a cross on it


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Jump in and be a part of our activities

Three men are standing in a kitchen preparing food.
  • Breakfast

    September-May Schedule

    Breakfast sbegins at 8:00am and is served until 9:45am. 

    Are you a great cook? Show us! We are always looking for cooks and folks to help celan up. Connect with Ron May,

    • $7 per person
    • $20 per family
    • Cash, check or pay via Realm
  • Nursery

    The nursery is located on the first floor, opens at 8:15am and stays open until the last child is picked up after the 11:00am service. We take infants six weeks - three years olds. 

    Find more details HERE

  • Worship Services

    8:30am Service

    11:00am Service (+ Live Stream)

    5:30pm Service

    More Service Info

  • Children's Formation

    Children’s Formation serves children 3-years-old through 6th grade. We use the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd method which is a hands-on approach for children that is rooted in the Holy Bible, the liturgy of the church, and educational principals of Maria Montessori.

    Find more info here

  • Faith & the Modern Family


    Room 223

    This community serves as a place of support for one another as we grow in God's grace and learn to follow Christ as partners, parents, and people. 

  • Practicing Our Faith


    Jackson-Thorpe Room

    Practicing Our Faith is a class where participants learn how to live out their spirituality in everyday life. We do this using books, videos and discussion from a variety of faith leaders. This fall we plan to study “Holy Envy“ by Barbara Brown Taylor. Each class participants are invited to lead the group in discussion. 

    For more information connect with Becky Stayner:

  • Racial Healing Book Study

    Sunday's, 9:45am, in the Preschool blue room, All Saints will offer a Sunday morning book study on 'The Night is Long but Light Comes in the Morning: Meditations for Racial Healing by Catherine Meeks.' If you are curious about where to start when it comes to conversations around race and racial healing come join us! You can purchase the book on Amazon or at local stores. Please contact Ranie at with questions. 

  • Sacred Ground

    2:15pm - 5:15pm

    Jackson-Thorpe room

    Sacred Ground is a curriculum created by the Episcopal Church that is a "film and readings-based dialogue series on race, grounded in faith" (Sacred Ground: Summary – The Episcopal Church). We dive into the work of racial healing and reconciliation. This is an opportunity to participate more deeply in reconciliation work in our world. Our curriculum, "Sacred Ground", has been thoughtfully produced by the national Episcopal church. 

    For more info, connect with Erin Hollifield, 

  • The Explorers


    Room 224


    The Explorers class offers the opportunity to meet weekly with others to discuss topics ranging from church history, world religions, spirituality, theology, and more. This group comes from different backgrounds and has different life experiences and has found common ground at All Saints and in the Episcopal Church. This allows for the exchange of diverse, stimulating and sometimes challenging ideas in a welcoming environment. Over the years this class has developed into a close community of individuals learning to a appreciate each other's gifts and insights, while utilizing short videos, audio presentations, books or speakers as conversation starters.  For more info connect with Donna Gooch,

  • Twenties Together

    Twenties Together is a group open for anyone in their 20's seeking a community that meets weekly on Sunday evenings, 8:00pm, at the Ponder's home. 

    Connect here:

  • Youth 6th-8th Grade

    Episcopal Youth Community (EYC)

    5:00pm - 6:45pm

    We have a different program topic each week for EYC, but we always incorporate time for games and fellowship. During the time overlap, our junior high and senior high youth eat dinner and do compline together. EYC builds on the importance of community, church, and fellowship!

  • Youth 9th-12th Grade

    Episcopal Youth Community (EYC)

    6:00pm - 8:00pm

    We have a different program topic each week for EYC, but we always incorporate time for games and fellowship. During the time overlap, our junior high and senior high youth eat dinner and do compline together. EYC builds on the importance of community, church, and fellowship!

  • Youth Sunday School


    *Through the door and up the stairs that is in the main lobby.

    7th-12th grade youth will meet in the youth rooms. We will enjoy breakfast together, time in fellowship, and go through a lesson tied to the lectionary.

  • Women on the Journey


    Room 104, Preschool downstairs

    This is a group of women who intentionally create a loving, supportive and prayerful community as we grow in our Christian journeys, both individually and communally. For more info connect with Janet Guest,, and Ginny May,

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