The logo for all saints episcopal church has a cross on it



This annual campaign allows our church leadership to plan the budget for the following year. We hope you will prayerfully consider making a pledge as we continue to work together to make the Kingdom of God a reality both inside and outside our walls!

  • Make Your Pledge HERE

    Two options to pledge

    1. Fill out a pledge card either found at the church or fill out the one that comes via mail to your house. If you fill out a physical pledge card, we ask that you drop it in the Sunday offering plate, bring it to the church and drop it in the box at the front door, or mail your completed pledge card to the address below:


    All Saints Episcopal Church

    Attn: Stewardship

    110 W Hawthorne Road   

    Homewood, AL 35209

    2. Make your pledge HERE online

    If you have a Realm account, log in. If you do not have a Realm account, you can still submit your pledge. After saving your pledge, you will have the opportunity to add an online gift to fulfill your pledge. We suggest you do it when that pops up, instead of having to come back later. But if you prefer doing the financial part at a future time, see the "Fullfill Your Pedge" dropdown below this one for instructions on how to do that.

  • Fulfill Your Pledge HERE

    If you used the online pledge process in the dropdown above, "Make Your Pledge HERE", you should have had an option to set up online payments after entering your pledge information. If you did, no need to proceed with these steps.

     If you did not,  CLICK HERE and then follow the steps below:

    • Enter your gift amount and select the fund 
    •    “Pledge 2025.”
    • Select the frequency at which you’d like to give.
    • For a one-time gift, select the date you’d like to give
    • For a recurring gift, select the start and end dates, and the day(s) of the week or month you’d like your gifts processed.
    • Enter your payment information. Click “Give.”

    You can view your giving history at any time on the giving page, and can view and edit your scheduled gifts by clicking the “Scheduled” tab.

    Need to update your bank account or credit card? Click “Manage Payment Methods” on the right side of the screen.

    Should you prefer to have your bank mail checks monthly, that can be arranged through your bank.

  • Contact

    Any questions, contact Connie Bryson,

  • Resubmit Recurring Payments

    If you set up recurring payments in Realm, it will schedule payments for the pledge "calendar year". This means recurring payments for the current year will end December 31st. 

    Be sure to go back into your account and resubmit your recurring information. It does NOT automaticaly keep paying for the current year or any subsequent years. 

    Any questions, contact Connie Bryson,

  • Ways to Support

    Ways to Support:

    • Financial Contributions: Your generous financial support will directly impact our ability to address these critical needs. Whether it's a one-time donation, a monthly pledge, or a legacy gift, every contribution makes a significant difference.
    • Time & Talent: If you are unable to contribute financially, your time and skills are equally valuable. We welcome volunteers for various church programs and events.
    • Your Prayers: We ask for your prayers for our congregation, leadership, and the success of our initiatives. Your spiritual support is a vital part of our journey.

Each year we have a "Pledge" drive that offers a way for parishioners to commit a specific amount on a regular basis during the next twelve months. Proportional giving to the church is a spiritual practice that embodies the essence of dedication and financial stewardship. When you choose to make a proportional gift, you are committing to set aside a portion of your wealth, works, and wisdom as an offering to God, thereby sanctifying your resources in a sacred act of giving. What distinguishes this form of giving is its flexibility; your financial contribution aligns with the fluctuations of your income, ensuring that it remains right-sized to your household's financial situation. This approach recognizes that giving to God is a lifelong journey, and by determining a percentage to contribute, you can progressively increase your giving over time, allowing your devotion and generosity to grow as your means do. In this way, proportional giving becomes not just an act of financial support but a spiritual journey of growth and faith.

We pray that all we offer at All Saints will be to the glory of God in Christ our Lord. Thank you for your generous and faithful support.

A man is smiling in front of a sign that says from your rector the rev brad landry

Dear All Saints parishioners and friends,

When All Saints works together, expect miracles! We have been able to accomplish some truly miraculous work this year, such as:

  • Paying down our loan balance over $350,000 and installing the Brick by Brick walkway
  • Reducing our deficit as we plan for a sustainable financial future
  • Welcoming The Reverends Cindy Carter and Ranie Neislar to our clergy staff
  • Growing our Children's & Youth Choirs into the Royal School of Church Music, from 21 to 43 choristers! 
  • Nurturing faith of all ages from the nursery, The Atrium (Catechesis of the Good Shepherd), EYC (youth), 20's Together, Happy Mediums, Women at the Well, Prime Time Saints, and more! 

The Finance Committee and Vestry work diligently together to spend these dollars frugally and faithfully. Even as we aim to control our costs, there are certain expenses that we know will increase over the coming budget year, such as utilities and insurance, not to mention the programs and ministries we’d love to support for growth.

Your financial pledge will help us to plan a faithful budget to live into our vision of “Embodying Christ’s transforming love.” And I know that when you take the significant step of making a pledge your commitment, care, and concern for this parish community will grow, as will your faith. 

So please take a moment to prayerfully consider making a pledge to the mission and ministry of All Saints this year. It is an investment in your faith, your church, your community. 

We will collect and bless these pledge cards on All Saints Sunday, November 3rd. Please fill out a pledge card, or make your pledge online using the dropdown above.

Grace & peace,

The Rev. Brad Landry, Rector

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