The logo for all saints episcopal church has a cross on it

VBS Thank You

Children’s Formation would like to thank all the kids that attended VBS this year as well as the extraordinary number of dedicated volunteers (113!) who made Jerusalem a beautiful and meaningful experience for everyone!

Jerusalem is beautiful this time of year! Just ask anyone who traveled there this summer. Every year during Vacation Bible School, the children “live” in a 1st century city just as Jesus did. This summer we journeyed to the sacred city of Jerusalem. Each day, the children learned more about Jerusalem as Jesus experienced it. The children were divided into the tribes of Israel. These multi-age tribes lived as a family.

- They lived in a tent, wore typical tribal clothing, ate food Jesus would have eaten, and spent the day just as Jesus did.
- They enjoyed family time, authentic snacks, music, Jewish dancing, Synagogue, and most of all – Marketplace!
- In the Marketplace, children had the opportunity to make their own Empty Tomb, figures (three women and the man in white), and cross from the Gospel of Mark to lift up the Risen Christ.
- The children learned about important traditions during Jesus’ life such as a Mezuzah (which means doorpost) and a Shema. A Shema is a scroll with the scripture Deuteronomy 6:4-5 (Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and all your strength.) A Shema goes inside the Mezuzah.
- Other Marketplace Shops were Gethsemane Garden Stone, Bakery, Spices, Coin-Pounding, Coin-Rubbing, Oil Lamp, Stitching, and Games.
- The children also worked together to make a Community Cross Mosaic with stained glass.
- The Elder Tribe (made up of rising 6th graders) took a field trip to Eli's Jerusalem Grill to taste authentic Israeli food and to the Ave Maria Grotto at the St. Bernard Abbey in Cullman to visit miniature replicas of the city of Jerusalem.

We look forward to another journey next year. Join us as we travel to Bethlehem in the Holy Land of Israel!

Since it takes a village, a heartfelt Thank-You goes out to all the dedicated and hard-working volunteers who helped create this memorable experience.

Shalom all my friends,
Jeannie of Jerusalem

Dottie & Brad Bennett
Jenny Blackmon
Adelaide Booth
Bob Boylan
Sophia Bull
Greer Burkholder
Busbee Family
Grace Ann, Hudson, & Kate Barber Campbell
Caroline Carter
Barber Clark
Kay Clements
Lorelle Collins
Melanie Couch
Amelia & Amy Croft
Poppy & Ian Cunningham
Samantha & Spencer Davis
Jennifer Cupps
Martha Ann Denson Crenshaw
Sarah Margaret, William, & Erin Donohoo
Anne Michael & Jennifer Drake
Beka Duvall
Alex Ellis
Sally & Mark Elwood
Ashley Ethridge
Ainsley Fraser
Inge Gilchrist
Jim Gooch
Valerie Gordon
Joe Gribbin
Janet Guest
Lisa Hallman
Lee Handley
Maggie Hanson
Kathryn Harris
Kristen Hefner
Miley & Alice Henton
Callen Hoke
Katie Hollis
Anne Harman Hornbuckle
Tara Hulgan
Maddie & Michelle Hyde
Houston & Amanda Jones
Jak Karn
Hattie & Brad Landry
Wendy Lenhard
Eli Malki
Venita Mann
Kaye Martin
Rachel Mason
Ginny May
Joe McLain
Elena Moreno
Eliza & Leah Murrill
Kim & Seth Olson
Anne Philipp
Julie Phillips
Ponder Family
Pulvere Family
Susan Purinai
Liz Reed
Philip Rhodes
Molly Richardson
Cece & Amy Richmond
Baylor & Amanda Robbins
Sarah Rowe
Lynne Shaw
Lizzy Shepherd
Charles Stone
Jimmy Stout
Kaelin, Maddie, Ayden, and Van Taylor
Nancy Terrell
Terry Thrash
Trisha & Scott Trigg
Elizabeth Vander Kamp
Sally Vick
Brian Viliunas
Brain Wallace
Anna Holt Whaley
Diane Wheeler
Rachel Woodroof
Katherine Worley
Charles Youngson

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