110 West Hawthorne Road
Homewood, Alabama 35209
The red cover book is called the Book of Common Prayer. It contains all the services authorized for use in the Episcopal Church in addition to many other helpful resources.
Our hymnal, which has a blue cover, is used at 8:30am and 11:00am. The music at 5:30pm comes primarily from a songbook called Alleluia III.
Also in the pews are visitor’s cards. We encourage you to fill one out and put it in the offering plate when it is passed to you.
When you come in, an usher will give you a bulletin that will guide you through the service. There is also a QR code available for digital bulletins.
They offer guidance during the service as well as supplementary information like weekly announcements and special prayers or events.
More info about our children's programs can be found HERE.
Contact Kathlene Busbee: kbusbee@allsaintsbhm.org
During the summer months we offer Children's Liturgy for children 3-6 years during the 8:30am and 11:00am services.
Children are welcome at all services. As you come in the front doors of All Saints, there is a rack with bags hanging on it for your children to bring into the Nave if they wish. The folders have colored pencils and pages of activities they can do during the service.
If you would prefer to take yur child to our Nursery, it is availabe during the 8:30 and 11 services downtairs.
All baptized Christians, regardless of denomination, are welcome to participate in communion (Eucharist).
When you come to the altar you may choose to receive the bread and wine or just the bread. You may dip the bread in the wine or drink directly from the cup.
If you would like a blessing instead, cross your arms across your chest and clergy will give you one.
The center of our worship each week is the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist (also known as Holy Communion or the Lord’s Supper). In the Eucharist we share in bread and wine in remembrance of Christ’s life, death and resurrection, just as Christ commanded at his Last Supper with his disciples. But we also experience the mystery of Christ’s presence among us here and now.
Our nursery is available Sunday mornings from 8:15am – 12:30pm for ages 6 weeks – 3 years.
We provide a snack and ask that you bring a cup with your drink of choice, diapers, wipes and an extra change of clothes that are all clearly labeled.
Please register your child at the nursery sign-in table, which is located on the preschool level near the King Garden.
For more information about our nursery program, please contact Nursery Director Jennifer Cupps: jcupps@allsaintsbhm.org
The first five spots right in front of the church are reserved on Sunday's for our Elder Saints. There are also several handicap spaces available in front of the church.
We have a small parking lot or you can park on the streets around the church. Thank you for being respectful of our neighbors when parking.
You can find an archive of all of our sermons HERE
Holy Eucharist Rite II
Holy Eucharist Rite II
Holy Eucharist with music by the 5:30 Musicians featuring songs from the Alleluia III book
Generally speaking:
We stand to sing, recite the Apostle's Creed, the peace and for the reading of the Gospel.
We sit while the Bible is being read, during the sermon, announcements and when the choir is singing.
We kneel during the prayers, but you can also stand, either is appropriate.
Please don’t worry about doing the wrong thing at the wrong time. Your communion with God during the service is what matters!
All Saints wants to join with you to foster a journey of discovery, helping all to discover the glory of the gospel as it is made manifest in our lives. We offer a variety of classes, small groups, ministries and worship experiences that are designed to bring the gospel to you and to bring you to the gospel.
Find a listing of our Sunday activities HERE
As a parish in the Episcopal Church of the Diocese of Alabama and member of the worldwide Anglican Communion, we believe that the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments contain all things necessary to salvation and as being the rule and ultimate standard of faith.
We believe that the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed are sufficient statements of the Christian Faith.
We believe that the sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Eucharist, ordained by Christ himself, are the primary ways in which we are drawn together in communion with God and neighbor.
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