The logo for all saints episcopal church has a cross on it


The Parish Administration Commission is responsible for the church's physical plant, fiscal administration, communications, and planning for growth. The groups below are vital to the growth and management of the church and the stability of the parish.

Building & Grounds Committee

This committee maintains the church facilities including the sanctuary (or nave), parish hall, classrooms, and offices. Additionally, the committee is responsible for the church grounds, including the various gardens and playgrounds.

Email Brian Wallace for more information.

Church Helpers

This ministry maintains a list of parishioners with special skills willing to do tasks around the church. This group may be called on to help with small repairs, lawn work and repairs.

Email Brian Wallace for more information.

Finance Committee

This committee prepares a parish budget for review by the Vestry, recommends and approves expenditures, reviews monthly financial statements and resolves financial issues with focus on proper stewardship.

Email Tom Simpson for more information.

Kitchen Ministry

This ministry is intended to maintain the church kitchen. This Includes organizing the pantry, removing outdated foods from the refrigerators, cleaning the dishwasher, sinks, steam tables, countertops and cabinets.

Email Ron May for more information.

Long Range Planning

This committee engages in space planning seeking the best use for church property. Additionally, this committee is engaged in determining the future growth of our physical footprint.

Email Joel Blackstock for more information.

Stewardship Committee

This committee plans and carries out the annual pledge fundraising campaign and year-round stewardship education. There is usually a chair and a co-chair, with the co-chair succeeding as chair the following year. The chair sits on the Finance Committee for the year.

Email Roger Ball for more information.


The Vestry is the body of lay members elected by the parish to oversee the temporal business of the parish. The All Saints Vestry consists of 15 parishioners, each elected for a three-year term. Each year the parish elects five new members at our annual parish meeting.

Email the Rev. Brad Landry for more information.

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