March 4, 2025
Calling all women ages 21 and up! Save the date: April 11-12 . Join us for part or all of the weekend. DEADLINE to sign up is April 4! All women 21+ are invited to join for an amazing and restful weekend at Camp McDowell! This weekend is open to parishioners and friends. Whether you stay the whole weekend, just one night, or only for the day on Saturday, we can’t wait to share this time with you. Embrace free time, fellowship, delicious food, and fun activities in "God’s Backyard!" You may enjoy camp-style activities and/or simply relax in a rocking chair. Renew friendships and discover new connections in a setting that brings us closer together! Click HERE for more information about this weekend! One night stay - 1 Room (Each motel-style room has two queen beds): $130 Day only Per Person Cost (includes meals) - No overnight stay: $50.00 Meals - $60 per person *price includes food, t shirt, welcome bag, and supplies for activities! You may pay by check or on Realm through online giving -- please click the dropdown labeled "Women's Retreat"!