The laity are the "people" of the church who have been baptized. "Lay" generally refers to those who have not been ordained. This page offers opportunities to participate as a lay leader in worship. Worship nourishes and inspires us as followers of Christ and is central to Episcopalian identity. A worship, or lay, leader regularly leads public worship under the direction of clergy or other designated leaders of a congregation. Ways to serve at All Saints include preparing the church for worship and serving during the services.
Acolytes And Crucifiers
This ministry is composed of children and youth who serve as torch bearers or crucifers. Torch bearers are in grades 4th-8th and serve approximately once a month. Crucifers are in grades 8th-12th and also are scheduled to serve once a month.
Email Mona Ponder for more information.
Altar Guild
Altar guilds are groups of men and women who are called to serve God by preparing and tending to the places where Episcopalians worship. The group prepares the altar for worship at the Eucharist, and for weddings and funerals, and cleans up after each service. Members of the Altar Guild serve on teams, with each team responsible for one Sunday per month.
Email Martha Bains for more information.
Baptismal Guild
This group of women and men facilitates the baptism of children and adults at All Saints. Some people are involved in the physical making of the baptismal banners, while others host on the day of baptism itself. We always need people to help out with baptisms.
Email Erin Donohoo for more information.
Flower Guild
Members of the Flower Guild are responsible for creating the altar flowers on Sundays when no one has signed up for a flower memorial. Not only do the flowers add beauty to the church, each designer reads the lectionary readings and – when possible – creates designs that artistically interpret the readings, using home-grown and wild flowers as often as possible. Designers work individually or as a team approximately every six weeks. New designers are always welcome.
Flower Memorials
To contribute the altar flowers as a memorial to loved ones, sign up below. Flower Memorials are $100 and are designed by a local professional florist. They may be designated in honor of, in memory of, or in thanksgiving for someone. Your designated memorial will be included in that week’s bulletin.
Fill out
THIS FORM to contribute.
Lay Eucharist Ministers (LEM)
A Lay Eucharistic Minister (LEM) is a lay person who is trained by clergy and licensed by the bishop to administer the chalice during Holy Communion.
Find the LEM handbook HERE
Email Jay Murrill for more information
A lector is a lay person who is appointed to read the lessons that precede the Gospel, to lead the reading of the psalm, and to lead the Prayers of the People. The role of the lector is among the oldest of the liturgical lay ministries.
Find the Lector Checklist HERE
Email Jay Murrill for more information
Ushers have a number of important duties related to the worship service: to hand out service bulletins to arriving parishioners and guests; to assist in the collection of the offering; and to present the elements of bread and wine. All parishioners are welcome to serve as ushers at one of the four weekly services.
Find the Usher Checklist HERE
Email Ted Holm for more information
Wedding Guild
The Wedding Guild provides the ministry of hospitality to the bride, groom and their families & friends by coordinating preparations for the wedding at All Saints. Guild assistance includes guidance in the selection and placement of altar flowers and other floral arrangements, assisting the clergy at the wedding rehearsal, being available to the bridal party before and during the wedding and providing refreshments on the wedding day during photo sessions. No outside coordinators or consultants are permitted.
Email Nancy Terrell for more information
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