Beginning Tuesday, February 13th, everyone is welcome to be a part of a Lenten study featuring Dr. Catherine Meeks' book, "The Night is Long, but Light Comes in the Morning - Meditations for Racial Healing". You can purchase the book HERE or at local book stores. Facilitated by Erin Hollifield and Memily Colvin, this study is part of the "One Diocese, One Book" program for Lent 2024. Be sure to pick up study guides that are in the kitchen by the Jackson-Thorpe room and participants are asked to go ahead and do the first seven meditations,
We'll gather in the Jackson-Thorpe room on
Tuesday evenings at 6:00pm for enriching discussions lasting an hour to an hour and a half. If you have any questions or need transportation, connect with Erin (erinph9@aolcom) or Memily (
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