The logo for all saints episcopal church has a cross on it


OCTOBER 1st - 30th

The mission of the Church is not to raise money, for that would be far too small a vision. The mission of the Church is much more ambitious, to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ (BCP 855). The carrying out of that mission, however, does require the financial support of its members. This year's pledge drive has a theme of "On Earth as it is in Heaven." Bringing Heaven to Earth begins with the gospel. God’s will is to give us his Spirit and transform us into His likeness, to become like Him and live with Him eternally. Read more about this from our Rector, the Rev. Brad Landry, below.

On earth as it is in heaven a message from the rev. brad landry rector
  • Pledge for 2023

    How do you make a pledge? You can fill out a pledge card that should come via mail to your house and is also available in the Cloister (main hallway), or you can pledge via Realm. This year's pledge drive ends October 30, 2022.

    Pledge Card: If you fill out a pledge card, we ask that you either drop it in the Sunday offering plate or drop it in the pledge box located in the Cloister (main hallway).

    Pledge Via Realm:

    • To pledge through Realm, CLICK HERE
    • Login to your account.
    • Click the "Giving" tab located in the lefthand column. 
    • Click "+ Pledge" 
    • Complete the form, and click "Save Pledge" 

    If you have any questions about giving please contact our Parish Administrator, Alison James,

  • Realm Assistance

    If you need assistance navigating Realm, please contact Tara Portney at

  • Give Any Time

    "Pledging" gives our church leadership what they need to plan the budget for the following year. But you are welcome to give a monetary gift at any time HERE.

A white background with a few lines on it

"Ministry Moments"

As you consider committing a pledge for the next year, watch videos below for details about some of the ways your contribution helps as well as what All Saints means to our parishioners!

"Stewardship" is the overarching term used for all of the ways we use our worldly resources to further God's Kingdom. This can be through monetary gifts but also includes your time and willingness to serve All Saints in other ways.

Each year we have a "Pledge" drive that offers a way for parishioners to commit a specific amount on a regular basis during the next twelve months. This allows our church leadership to plan the budget for the following year. We hope you will prayerfully consider making a pledge as we continue to work together to make the Kingdom of God a reality both inside and outside our walls! We pray that all we offer at All Saints will be to the glory of God in Christ our Lord. Thank you for your generous and faithful support.

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